Welcome to October 2024 and another installment of the newsletter that helps you navigate the intersection of science and society! Top of mind is teasing out fact from fiction. Textbooks contain facts. But how do we know what we don’t know?

For years now, we’ve experienced the science denialism, barrage of misinformation, constant stream of disinformation, and the endless loop of propaganda. Each of these does not enhance democracy, but rather fuels democrazy, a democratic system that is inherently flawed and has descended into absurdity. It describes our current situation. None of this is beneficial to society and one must ask, “What’s the end game and why do so many people suspend critical thinking?” To engage in some self-education, we’ll begin with some essential vocabulary so we can place everything into context, continue with some facts – because facts matter-, and wrap up with some tools you can use to combat nonsense and live a safer life.

Science denialism = attacks on science to advance conspiracy theories. Science denialism has been around for a long time. Notably, the science attacker and Soviet Union dictator, Joseph Stalin, portrayed scientists as enemies of the state. Pseudoscience – something that sounds scientific because it uses science-sounding words but is false – was foundational to the spread of Nazism and Hitler’s popularity. Today, science in America is politicized and anti-science rhetoric is fueling emotionally charged nonsense. And much of what is happening is advancing an ideology that mimics fascism. While book banning is off the charts, leading scientific journals have devoted pages underscoring the seriousness of American anti-science sentiment as researchers have received death threats and warnings of physical violence. Yet, science matters, especially when individual and public health is at stake. For example, anti-vaxxers die needlessly from vaccine-preventable diseases and they reduce herd immunity. Herd immunity protects populations: When a sufficient percentage of the population is already immune from contagious disease, this increases resistance to infection. Another example includes campaigns aimed at removing fluoride from public drinking water; removing fluoride from public water sources denies others the benefits of preventing cavities.

Misinformation = false or inaccurate information to further an idea. Misinformation is so prevalent that it is increasingly difficult to argue statements because they have no basis in science. Most Americans get misinformed on social media platforms and heavily biased visual programming. Unfortunately, the more often we hear or see misinformation, the more likely we are to believe it’s true. This speaks to the value of finding reputable sources and trusted people. Everybody is not an expert and Internet sleuths are not out there finding nuggets of information that have been hidden from the world’s leading scientists and researchers. When misinformation gets written into laws, reproductive health, racism, and anti-LGBTQ+ sentiments flourish. Currently, hate-based legislation that is contrary to science is negatively impacting too many people. It’s also driving youth suicide attempts and rates.

Disinformation = false information that is intended to mislead. Disinformation is harmful, especially when it relates to public health and voting on issues. Fear mongering is a constant theme of disinformation and most of it is propagated from about a dozen sources. That’s all it takes for something to reach millions of people, who freely suspend critical thinking, and relay the information as a chain reaction. Disinformation compromises health-promoting decision making, leading to unnecessary emergencies and self-harm. It also perpetuates hate in daily living and at the ballot box. October is Hate Crimes Awareness Month. Among a litany of other good services, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) tracks hate groups in the United States. Currently there are 1,430 active hate and antigovernment groups operating in our 50 states. Every state has at least one, so it’s up to all of us to disarm disinformation.

Propaganda = information used to promote a particular cause or doctrine. Think of propaganda as disinformation that is intentionally pushed through all media venues to persuade a population. It erodes public trust. There is a good deal of overlap between disinformation and propaganda, and in its most evil form, it’s meant to manipulate citizens into believing falsehoods. The worst parts of our history, tainted with science denialism and hate, have gained traction into what seems to be unstoppable momentum. But we can stop it if we choose. Propaganda dismantles societies by interrupting legitimate communication while placing trust in a charlatan.

We’ve heard repeatedly that we are a polarized society and that tribalism is powering this. Is it true or are we falling victim to tropism? Tropism means that if we hear or read something often enough, we begin to believe it whether it’s true or not. If we all feel divided, then the disinformation dastards and propaganda purveyors win. Fortunately, there are tools to combat science denialism, misinformation, disinformation and propaganda. But it will require engaging the brain, becoming more scientifically literate, and a willingness to quit “othering” by treating everyone as humans sharing this planet and making the most of our days here.

Educational research shows that arming people with facts is not enough. Bummer. So, we must use other strategies. Our society is already polluted with so much conceptual contamination that to stop the spread of misinformation/disinformation/propaganda – bunk disease – we need a solid plan. Bunk must be disarmed. Since we can’t compete with super-sharers of bunk, we must reduce our susceptibility through treatment and prevention.

Treatment: When exposed to a post on social media, fact check it. Make truth a priority.
Here are reputable sites to fact check or fake check quickly:










Prevention: Inoculate yourself with information through media literacy and science education. If a person is already informed, they are less likely to fall victim to bunk disease. Further, when confronted with falsehoods, refute them directly with solid, factual information.

If bunk disease has no host to spread it, bunk disease goes away.
Let’s remain the UNITED States of America, not the divided States of America.