Science and Society

by Judi L. Nath, Ph.D.
People and Dogs

People and Dogs

The more people I know, the more I love my dog.  We've likely heard some variation of this phrase, and in fact, these very words frame a photo of a beloved canine.  As we move into year three of the COVID-19 pandemic, which began on December 12, 2019, with a...

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Censoring and Scrubbing

Censoring and Scrubbing

I’m tired. Tired of the constant conflict. Tired of the indoctrinated idiocy. Tired of stupid soundbites.  Tired, tired, tired. While reading Sunday’s newspaper, I was appalled by the number of school board candidates whose focus was on banning topics like...

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If Only There Was Something We Could Do

If Only There Was Something We Could Do

Just over 246 years ago, on April 19, 1775, the Revolutionary War began with “the shot heard round the world.” This same shot created the United States of America.  This might also have begun America’s love affair with guns. Before we go any further, note that...

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What is the Magic Number in Which You Start Caring?

What is the Magic Number in Which You Start Caring?

This past week, the FDA halted distribution of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine “out of an abundance of caution” because 6 women had developed blood clots and one of those six died. The type of blood clot they developed is called a cerebral venous sinus...

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Red, Red Wine: Stay Close to Me

Red, Red Wine: Stay Close to Me

Whenever I hear the words, “red wine,” I automatically get an ear worm as the song reminiscent of Bob Marley begins streaming in my head, and reggae music brings that warm fuzzy feeling…long before the wine does.  One year ago, I wrote my first blog.  Yes, that was...

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The COVID-19 Vaccines: Apple, Apple, Orange

The COVID-19 Vaccines: Apple, Apple, Orange

Over this past weekend, the FDA granted emergency authorization to a 3rd COVID-19 vaccine from Johnson & Johnson (J&J).  This vaccine is a single shot in the arm – a one and done. So, you might be wondering how this one compares to the two we already have...

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COVID-19: An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure

COVID-19: An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure

Hey, Folks!  Just reminding you that there’s a pandemic out there, and this virus is doing what all viruses need to do to survive:  mutating.  And, if we’re going to get through this, we’ll need to channel the ethos of those Mutant Ninja Turtles. ...

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